— yasko —


yasko vom Huhnegrab


Yasko is the sire of our F-Litter! We are so thankful for the opportunity to use this lovely boy.

Yasko has SV Hips Normal, Elbows Normal. DM Clear. He has full dentition and a scissor bite. He carries for longcoat.

Yasko is an incredible working dog, and has earned the following awards and titles: VA BH AD IGP3 KKL

Breed survey comments:

“Overall assessment: Large, medium strong, pigmented, good, expressive head. High withers, firm back, good position of the croup, with a good position the upper arm should be a little longer, correct hindquarters angulations, balanced chest proportions, straight front, straight footsteps in front and behind, very good, space-creating gaits. Secure nature, TSB pronounced.”

SV Testing Results
