I am seriously interested in purchasing a puppy and I understand that 2024 puppy prices are $3500.
For general questions and inquiry, please fill out the form under page "Contact".
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
I'm looking for:
Please select any you would be open to
Puppy (2-3 Months)
Trained Puppy (3-12 Months)
Young Adult (1-4 Years)
Retired Adult (4+ Years)
I am looking for a dog that is ready to come home with me
ASAP--I'm ready now!
Timing is not important to me
Other/Let's Discuss
Pedigree Preference
West German Showline
West German Working Line
American/Canadian Showline
Service Dog Lines
I don't know/I trust you to pick based on my preferences and needs
Let's discuss
Gender Preference
Color Preference
Black & Red/Tan
I don't care
Coat Length Preference
Either is fine
What are your plans for this puppy?
Select all that may apply.
Active Companion
Service Dog
Emotional Support Animal
Therapy Dog
Other (please specify in comments)
If you selected anything other than "Active Companion", have you found a trainer, club, class, training facility or mentor to work with? Please list them.
Are you interested or possibly interested in showing, competing with or breeding this dog in the future? If yes, please elaborate.
What qualities are you looking for in your new puppy? Be as specific and detailed as you can.
Examples: friendly, good with children, home protection, intelligent, eager to please, calm, energetic, good with dogs, good with cats, good with farm animals, will not jump when trained, good with elderly, high drive, low drive, good off switch, prey drive, ball drive, herding drive, active, territorial, protective, etc
I'm interested in a specific dog or planned litter:
Or interested in a specific parent/parents
Do you have prior experience with a working breed dog? Please elaborate.
Have you ever titled a dog in any sport, or trained a dog for a specific job? Please elaborate.
I currently own:
Select all that apply or may apply in the future
Male neutered dog(s)
Male intact dog(s)
Female spayed dog(s)
Female intact dog(s)
Farm animals
Other (please specify in comments)
No other pets
My Household:
Please list current members of your household, and ages of any children. If you have grandchildren that will visit regularly please include them as well.
Home Life
I work a normal 8-5 and will be home nights & weekends
I am home part-time
I am home all of the time
I have an unusual or shifting schedule
Let's discuss
Current residence:
I rent & I have my landlord's permission to buy a German Shepherd puppy
I own my home
Let's discuss
When I am gone, my dog will be kept
In a crate
In an outdoor pen/fenced area
On a chain outdoors
Free roam in the house
Free roam on my property
Other/Let's Discuss
Have you ever surrendered a pet to a rescue or shelter, rehomed to an individual, or returned to a breeder? If yes, why?
What are your "dealbreakers"? What traits or behaviors would make a dog unsuitable for your home and lifestyle?
Please list the name & phone number of your current veterinarian.
Please list the name and phone number of 2-3 personal references who can vouch for you.
Comments & questions:
Please add anything you'd like to discuss with us during the phone interview as well
Why do you want to purchase a German Shepherd puppy from Magnum Opus?
How did you hear about us?
I understand that filling out this form means I will be placed on an email list, and I will receive emails from Magnum Opus regarding puppy/dog availability until I opt out.
Yes, I understand